You found our page to get a full 1-pack of HangOver Tea (14 servings).
Here are the full steps to find the exact product for this promotion.
Please complete on Desktop for easiness.
Step 1:
Log in to Amazon
Step 2:
Please Search for:
hangover cure
Step 3:
Please only use the two words above. Don't search for our brand name.
Find our products ➡️➡️ "HangoverTea All Natural Hangover Cure..."
You might scroll multiple pages and see the 2-pack.
Step 4:
Purchase the 1-pack Green Tea.
Rebate is only for the 1-pack Green Tea ($16.99), not the 2-pack. Search result might look like this but choose the correct flavor/size.
Step 5:
Message us at and enter "REBATE" to start the message (or go back to the messenger chat in Facebook from our page HangoverTea) and send us your PayPal details with Amazon Order ID.
Your order will be verified and rebate processed after product is shipped.